Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
Of the Association of Bolton Allotment Societies
Held on November 12th 2018
At Astley Bridge Cricket Club
Present: 27 members representing 14
Apologies: Malcolm Russell, Head of
Neighbourhood Services, Bolton MBC and Cllr Susan Howarth, Bolton MBC
THE AGM 2017
The minutes
of the AGM 2017 having been posted on the Association’s blog-site
http://abas2014.blogspot.co.uk for an appropriate period, and there being no
unresolved matters arising, the meeting voted that those minutes now be
accepted as a complete and correct record.
Total In Bank as of 12/11/2017
Belated Subs 2017
Show Entry Fees
Duchy of Lancaster Grant
Cash in Hamd paid in
Members Subs 2018
Bank Interest
Laminating Pouches and Printing
Computer Anti-Virus Software
NVS Subs and Medal
Individual Membership NAS
Priniting Inks
Prize Money / Judges' Fees
Room Hire
Engraving Trophies
Flowers for Show Secretary
Event Insurance
Representing a nett outflow of
funds of
The meeting
voted to accept the accounts as a true and accurate record.
Abas has membership
in 17 sites in Bolton
Prior to the
AGM 10 sites had paid their membership subscriptions, others had indicated that
they would pay at the AGM (ad did so).
According to
the last Council Monitor (Feb/ March 2018), there were 15 OMA sites in Bolton
(plus 2 more “pending”) – at present 13 of these sites (plus both pending
sites) are Abas members. There are 2 sites which are not members.
OMA sites
cover some 68% of the individual plots in Bolton, Abas members (OMA and
non-OMA) cover some 70%.
In 2018,
Abas again organised the Borough-Wide Allotments Competitions, (The Fairhurst,
Greenhalgh and New Tenant Trophies plus the Rosebowl for “Best Site”.) A full
record of the results of these competitions is available on the blog-site.Thanks are due to Jeff Gibson, Terry Farrell, George Wild and Richard Hayes for undertaking the judging.
The meeting voted that Abas should again
run these competitions in 2019.
In August,
Abas organised the Annual Vegetable, Onion and Leek Show. A full record of the
results of the show is available on the blog-site.
Thanks are
due to Margaret Farrell and the “Show Team” for their efforts in planning and
running the Show.
Treasurer stated that due to personal circumstances the current Show Team could
not undertake to run the Show in 2019, and that unless others were willing to
come forward there would not be a Show next year. In the event Audrey Woods
(Secretary, Haslam Park) offered to take over Mrs Farrell’s role as Show
Secretary and work with the remaining Show team to organise the 2019 Show.
previously noted, some 68% of plots in the Borough are now covered by OMAs.
continue to be problems relating to communications between OMA Secretaries and
the Allotments Section, and there are still issues about the registration of
tenancies and the enactment of Breach of Tenancy Requests.
Abas is
reconsidering the way in which it collects and uses information from its
members on the performance of the Allotments Section and hopes that it will
have a new system ready for the resumption of the BoT system in March / April
2019. The Committee would like to thank Stewart Draper (Shepherds Cross Street)
who has offered to develop an IT based system over the coming winter months.
It was noted
that the Allotments Section “are not expecting Monthly Reports over the winter
period” (October to March) and will not be actioning any BoT request in this
period. Abas has advised Secretaries to submit Monthly Reports during this
period if there are any continuing issues remaining unresolved. We understand
that any unresolved mal-cultivation issues can be restarted with a BoT2 request
in a March or April Monthly Report (with accompanying photos). It is also felt
that where a BoT2 or BoT3 request has been submitted and no response received
before the next Monthly Report this must be highlighted in the monthly reportr
and the request renewed (unless the matter has been resolved).
Abas has two
ongoing projects1. The development of a “Secretary’s Handover Checklist” for new Society Secretaries and Committee Members – work on the production of this is stalled due to a lack of time and resources at Abas. Work will resume when resources are available
2. The development of an on-site Bullying, Conflict and Social Behaviour Policy which will replace the ineffective clause in the current Tenancy Agreement – this development is awaiting the production of a Guidance Document by the NAS which is promised for November 2018.
The Secretary drew members attention to an article in the
current issue of “Allotment and Leisure Gardener” from Chris Barker, the Vice
Chair of the NAS’ London Region. Mr Barker addresses a problem that has arisen at
some self-managed sites where the Committee has been “infiltrated” by
representatives of land developers who then impose draconian rules and
restrictions on plot-holders with the ultimate aim of driving them from the
site so that it may be re-classified as development land. The Secretary pointed
out there are no self-managed sites in Bolton and so far as we are aware no
plans to create any.
Jeff and
Terry attended a meeting at Crumpsall convened by the NAS Regional Rep – John
Irwin – on October 21st
It would
appear that a skeleton committee for the NWCAA is being formed and that a
meeting at Crumpsall in the New Year (February 10th) to which NAS
representatives have been invited will give a better indication of the way
Jeff and
Terry will continue to represent us at these meetings
continue to be delays in the production of a GM Spatial Plan.These revolve around arguments on population forecasts (and thus the estimates of housing need) and on the government’s formulae for calculating that need
In the
meantime it has been argued that the absence of a 5 year plan for Bolton has
meant that a number of developers have been able to win appeals for housing
developments which had been turned down by our local planners. There have also
been arguments about the nature of housing developments being permitted (both
on sites and on the type of housing). Abas
does not wish to become involved in these arguments which have now become the
basis for party political dispute.
Abas is however
concerned about Bolton Planners’ reported reluctance to include allotment provision
in development permissions. Abas continues to work closely with the Salford
Federation where such inclusion is proposed.
No threats
to allotment sites have as yet been identified (other than to a small site
currently leased by BMBC from Peel Holdings)
Site Security – following recent
incidents of arson, thefts and vandalism at their site, a member society had
requested that we address questions of site security.Issues included:
1. What is the Police’s responsibility?
A number of those present had had problems
reporting incidents via the 101 number – waits of 30 minutes plus were
reported. It was suggested that contact could be made either by using the Area
Team numbers given on the GMP website or by using the “Live Chat” facility on
that website.
There is a general feeling that given the limited
budget and resources currently available to GMP we cannot expect allotment
crime to be a priority for them.
In at least one recent instance the Police have
commented that the Council could make a difference by improving site security
2. What is the Council’s responsibility?
The Council has stated that criminal incidents are
a police matter.
They have also stated that there are no resources
to improve site security e.g. fencing etc.
Abas repeats
its advice to Societies to maintain lobbying pressure on their local Ward
Councillors to get the Allotment Budget reinstated to a more useful level.
3. What is the Society’s responsibility?
Strictly speaking the OMA does not impose any
responsibilities relating to site security on Societies. However societies
usually try to impose rules such as ensuring that gates are locked at all times.
Societies may take on responsibility for communal facilities (shop, meeting
room etc.) and may take out insurance on such facilities and their contents.
Some Societies may wish to take other measures e.g. CCTV or improved lighting
but this is at their own discretion and using their own (or grant) funds.
4. What is the individual plot-holder’s
Simple things like ensuring that they lock the
gates etc.
Abas advises plot-holders against keeping anything
of value in sheds, greenhouses etc. Such structures are exceedingly vulnerable.
When an incident occurs the “victim” should report
the incident to GMP and obtain a crime number. On some sites it is the practice
to inform the site secretary of all crime numbers received.
Individual security on sheds etc. is up to the individual
tenant, in practice a range of locks and alarms are employed.
What can we (as an allotment community) do?
It has been argued that if all incidents are reported to GMP then when this reaches a critical number the Police will be “forced” to take some action. Doubt has been expressed as to how the data is actually collated by GMP so that this critical mass is recognised and what action they might take even if it is. Lack of perceived action, coupled with the issues surrounding the 101 number, acts as a discouragement to plot-holders who then “don’t see the point” in reporting incidents, thus creating a vicious spiral of inactivity.
It was
suggested that Abas invite GMP to send an officer to a future meeting to advise
on site and plot security. It was pointed out that abas has done this in the
past. We have had one such presentation (there was also a presentation at a
NWCAA Meeting held in Bolton) but our last request was turned down “due to lack
of resources”. Abas will try again after March (ideally getting a presentation
before the Summer School Holidays),
practical measures included:
Motion Sensitive Lights at Strategic Points on the site.Advising Tenants to use “van locks” rather than padlocks on sheds.
CCTV has
been suggested by GMP to some sites. The Council has recently pointed out that
there are rules to be obeyed and restrictions on the use of CCTV and the
information it collects in locations where the general public may be
realistically regarded as having access. It was also pointed out that there are
additional issues where those being filmed may be minors. Abas will try to clarify what the Council’s advice and concerns are.
It was also pointed
out that security devices themselves may become targets for vandals and thieves
and need to be made secure.
It was also
pointed out that although a secure lock may discourage an opportunistic thief,
such provision might also suggest that the contents are worth stealing and / or
lead to greater damage to the structure by the offenders (“if you’ve got a
lock, they go in through the roof!”)
A general
feeling would seem to be that there is little chance of the situation improving
and that we should expect further problems at the next school holidays.
It was
however pointed out that the nature of offences has changed in recent years, we
no longer have the major raids when thousands of £ss worth of equipment was
taken for communal stores etc. (Mainly because no one has that level of
equipment any more or if they have it is kept off site.
The question
was asked as to what effect the additional water usage over the past summer
might have on the Allotment Service. The Secretary replied that the Head of
Neighbourhood Services has expressed concern about the size of water bills that
the Council can expect. He is concerned that this will have an adverse effect
on the section’s ability to do any minor works such as the projects involving
road planings etc.
Following were re-elected unopposed
Chair – Jeff
GibsonSecretary –David Jackson
Treasurer – Terry Farrell
following were elected as Committee Members
Chapman (Settle St.), Eric Golding (Florence Avenue) and Paul Longworth
(Harpers Lane)
Committee wish to express their thanks to Alan Kay (Smedley Avenue) and Carole
Deplitch who have retired from the Committee, for their contribution over the
past years.
The Chair
then expressed the Association’s thanks to the Secretary (Dave Jackson) and the
Treasurer (Terry Farrell) for their work over the past year. It should be
recorded that the Chair (Jeff Gibson) has also made a significant contribution
this year (as in previous years).
The meeting
was then closed
The next
Abas Members’ Meeting will be on Monday 11th March 2019
AGM Minutes
will be posted on the blog-site http://abas2014.blogspot.co.uk
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