Minutes of the
Meeting of Abas Monday 8th October 2018 at Astley Bridge Cricket
The meeting commenced
at 8.00 p.m.
PRESENT: 21 representatives from 12 sites
Apologies: Dorothy Kay (Tonge Fold),
Carol Barlow (Sapling Road), Kiye Simister (Harpers Lane)
The Minutes
having been posted on the Association Blog-site and there being no corrections
anyone wished to make, the meeting moved to adopt the minutes as correct.
Road Planings – Abas has passed to the
Council three requests for the supply of Road Planings (Harpers Lane,
Shepherd’s Cross Street, Tonge Fold). We understand that a further request has
been received by Allotments from Florence Avenue. Allotments have said thye is
waiting for the water bills to come in so that they knows how much remains in
the budget for schemes using these planings
Hatfield Road
Hatfield Rd
is a non-OMA site and not a member of Abas. It has (on paper) 27 plotsFollowing a site visit by Terry and Jeff – the Council issued 5 BoT2s and a further 9 “neglected” plots were subsequently identified as “untenanted”.
Allotments tried to get Community Payback (CP) to take over the task of clearing the 9 untenanted plots, but CP felt the task was “too big for them”
Terry and Jeff did a second survey following the expiry of the BoT2 “improvement period”. They reported progress to the Allotments section –
No further involvement by Abas is anticipated
Non-OMA sites in general
have again stated that they do not have the resources to respond to request for
information etc. from non-OMA sites on a regular basis.There was a suggestion that Abas becomes a central collection point for all such requests which we could then aggregate and send to them in a format rather like the Monthly Reports submitted by Site Secretaries on OMA sites. Whilst we are willing to help individual sites on an ad-hoc basis, we are reluctant to take on this role for two main reasons:
1) we don’t have the resources either
2) we would be reliant on Allotments providing the answers to non-OMA sites issues in a prompt and acceptable manner, and thus we feel there is a danger of Abas becoming a football getting kicked by both sides.
OMA Roll-Out
understand that the revised OMA Agreement (post April 2018) is now in force at
all OMA sites save one.
Paths on Allotments
It was
clarified that statements as to which paths should be used for access and who had responsibility for the maintenance of individual paths applied only to one case at one site and
thus the item was withdrawn.
The question
of bullying (or more precisely on-site conflict) has been raised.It is felt that the current clauses in the Tenancy Agreements need clarifying and strengthening
MR has suggested that he can work with Abas to establish a clearer policy on dealing with issues.
We are
looking at the following situations:
“Bullying” / “Harassment” of plot-holders
(individually or in groups) by Secretaries and Committees· “Bullying” / “Harassment” / “Intimidation” of Secretaries and Committees by Plot-holders (individually or in groups)
· “Bullying” / “Harassment” / “Intimidation” of a plot-holders or group of plot-holders by another individual plot-holder or group of plot-holders
Abas has
contacted the NAS and we have been
told that they hope to publish a new extended “Code of Conduct” on these issues
in November this year. If they do this could form the basis for discussions
with the Council
During the
process of the Secretary asking the NAS about a Bullying / Conflict Policy the
NAS made two comments:-1. That Abas had not responded to their questionnaire to “Federations” – this was not surprising since we never received one – they not having updated our contact address “for some years”
2. That only 6 of the 17 “associations / societies” in membership of Abas are recorded as being members of the NAS
In respect
of 1) the Secretary has since received, completed and returned a questionnaire
to NAS HQ.
We think 2)
reflects past NAS / NWCAA concerns about Federations providing “NAS services /
benefits” to non-NAS members “on the cheap”
Terry and
Jeff will attend the Regional Meeting in Crumpsall on October 21st which has
been called by the Regional Rep to discuss the future of the NWCAA
Membership Subscriptions are now due. These should (where possible) be paid to
the Treasurer at or before the AGM in November. We recognise that some
societies may not be able to meet this timetable and would therefore request
that subscriptions be paid at or before the March 2019 Meeting of Abas.
If Abas is
to try to hold the Council to account on its performance in processing BoT
Notices etc. then Abas needs hard data. The only way we can get hard data is
from our member societiesWe have asked societies to copy us in on their Monthly Reports (but this doesn’t seem to be working), we have received so far 4 Monthly Reports plus two apologies for delay
We are now going to try to develop a form which Societies can use to provide us with the data we need.
These forms should be in use from April 2019
These forms will need processing and this will be a further call on our resources (with implications for matters to be raised later).
Abas has
agreed with Allotments that we will try to develop (for the start of the 2019
“season”) a checklist for retiring / succeeding secretaries and treasurers as
to what (minimum) information should be handed over when one succeeds the
other. It is our hope that we can achieve this during the winter break and that
some (if not all) current secretaries will help by proof-reading etc. the first
It looks as
if the revised plan (due June 2018) will be further delayed (beyond October
2018) due to lower than expected area population projections and (yet to be
published) changes to the government formulae for calculating housing
We have been
in contact with the Salford Federation
about the report that Salford City had granted planning permission to a
development provided an area was set aside for allotments. The Salford
Federation have checked with their Council and the facts are true as is the
fact that although the development is in Salford the land offered for
allotments is in Bolton. As previously reported it is alleged that Bolton are
resisting this.
preparation for both the AGM and the continuing operation of Abas in the future
the Committee invited members to think about nominations for two groupsThe ABAS Executive Committee – The Officers (Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) plus 3-4 other Committee members.
As matters stand it looks as if Abas will have to elect a new Secretary for the 2019 season.
There is an argument that the Secretary’s role has grown too large for one volunteer and that we could / should look at structures which would share out the Secretary’s role between one or more office holders.
The “Shadow Committee” – membership of the Shadow Committee has two functions a) a familiarisation role with the implied intention that members will move into the Officers roles in the future and b) long term thinking and planning about Abas, allotments and relations with Bolton MBC
We hope that members will give consideration to putting forward
nominations at the AGM for these roles for the 2019 season.
WHAT’S ON IN 2018?
October 14th
Local Produce Market at Harpers Lane Allotments
Two items
had been added to the agenda
There had
been reports that the Council has offered (to one Site Secretary) that all
“Historic Mal-Cultivation Offenders” on their site, will receive a letter from
the Council suggesting that they relinquish their plot as they have apparently
demonstrated that they are unable to consistently maintain them to an adequate
standard. (The phrase “Repeat or Persistent Offenders” is also used by some
The meeting
had the following concerns:
- What is the definition of an “Historic Mal-Cultivation Offender”?
- How are they to be identified and by whom?
- What happens if they refuse to quit?
- Will this new system be offered to all OMA sites?
- How does the system relate to the established BoT system?
There was a
discussion about persons who could not cultivate their plots adequately due to
a long term illness or physical condition. The Committee’s view was that where
the condition was temporary such cases should be identified at the BoT1 stage
of the Mal-cultivation system, some agreement should be reached and thus they
should never become the subject of BoT2s or BoT3s, and thus should not appear
on the “Historic Offenders Radar”. It was accepted that where such conditions
persisted over a number of seasons some action might be needed. The Committee
feel that Site Secretaries etc. are not (in the main) medically qualified and
should not be making judgements about a plot-holder’s physical ability to work
a plot. Where such matters arise they should be referred “up” to the Allotments
The Secretary was instructed to send the
questions listed above to Allotments.
The following reply has been received from
Malcolm Russell (10th October 2018)
I don't know where this idea of historic
mal-cultivation has come from. The only thing we have done is amend our BOT2
letter for those sent in September to remind those people that the rent is
coming due so if they are thinking about terminating let us know. I have said
this when visiting sites recently. We did this last year.MONTHLY REPORTS
There are
concerns about reports that the Allotments section has stated that it does not
expect to be receiving Monthly Reports from Site Secretaries during the Winter
Season (defined as October to March/April).
following questions were raised:
- Does this mean that Allotments will not process Monthly Reports during the Winter period or respond to the requests for actions contained within them?
- Does this mean that Allotments will therefore not send out or action any BoT2 or BoT3 during this period?
- Does that mean that any BoT actions in process will lapse? And does this mean that any mal-cultivation procedures will have to be restarted by site secretaries at the BoT1 stage in March / April?
- Does that mean that any “probationers” who complete their probation period during this season cannot complete Tenancy Registration Forms and thence Tenancy Agreements etc.? Does this mean that (effectively) probation periods now run through until March 2019?
The following reply was received from MR on
We've said the same thing about winter reports for
a number of years i.e we don't expect them over the winter.
We will continue to deal with terminations and new
tenancies but will not issue BOT2s after the end of September. A number of
these will now be identified as BOT3 in October and will be actioned
accordingly. We would suggest that any sites who have other plots that have had
nothing done by the March or April inspection (depending on the weather) can
consider going straight to BOT2 if they want at that time.
Hope this clarifies things.
The Meeting however had decided that Site
Secretaries should continue to submit Monthly Reports throughout the year. If
no response is received to an item then it should be repeated in the following
months Monthly Report (preferably highlighted in red or some similar manner).
A question
was raised about persons with a criminal record – should they be offered allotment
plots. The Committee's opinion was clear that it is no part of a Society’s
responsibilities to vet the persons put forward from the waiting list by the
Council, the Council determines who is a valid applicant and that is the end of
it. As far as abas is aware there are no questions about Criminal Records etc.
in the Council’s Application Procedure.
A member
then raised the question of those on the “Sex Offenders’ List” as children
often come onto the site (e.g. in school or other parties). Again the Committee’s
view is that (in the case of organised groups) those responsible for those
children should carry out a risk assessment before they bring the children onto
the site (indeed Societies should request that they do this before granting
permission for visits). It was felt that there was some confusion between the
vetting of volunteers who would “work” with children and vulnerable adults and
vetting the general population on the site. The former would fall within a
society’s responsibility if the activity is organised by the Society, the
latter doesn’t.
following meetings are plannedMonday 12th November (THE AGM)
The AGM is a
particularly important meeting because of the election of officers and the fact
that it precedes the “long” winter break
The minutes of all meetings are posted on
the blog site as soon as possible after the event, we also post any other
information we feel relevant to our members’ concerns
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