Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Amendments to the ABAS Constitution proposed for the AGM 17-11-2014


Amend section 2.1 to read

2.1 To promote the interests of all members in their allotment activities, including co-operating with other Associations and Federations, Regional bodies (including the North West Counties Allotments Association) and National bodies (including the National Allotment Society).


Amend section 3 to read:-

3. Membership

3.1          Membership of the Association shall be open to all plot-holders on sites that are located within the Bolton area. There are three routes to membership.

a) Group membership – open to all Site Societies that are located in the Bolton area

b) (Discretionary) Group membership – open to any other societies at the discretion of the Committee

c) Individual membership – which is open to any plot-holder who is on a site within the boundaries of Bolton but which does not have a Site Society or where that Site Society has chosen not to become a Group member of the Association.

d) Records and details of membership shall be maintained by the Association Treasurer.           


Amend section 7 to read:-

7. Voting

7.1 Each Society in Group membership shall have up to two votes at any general meeting subject to there being at least two members of that Society present at the meeting who are authorised to represent that Society.

7.2 Up to two votes can be cast on behalf of any site where there is no group membership, provided that the equivalent number of individual members from that site are present at the meeting. If there are more than two individual members present they must agree how votes will be cast.

7.3 The Chair of the meeting shall have a casting vote in the event of equal numbers of votes bong cast both ‘for’ and ‘against’ the motion under consideration.


Amend section 12 by adding 12.3

12.3 Subscriptions to be paid by individual members are equal to the rate per society member charged to group members.

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