Association of Bolton Allotment Societies
Meeting 8th September 2014
Membership Position
• Site Paid-up
• Sapling
Road 40
• Clammerclough
• Harpers
Lane 70
• Florence
Avenue 50
• Smedley
Avenue 28
• Cemetery
Road 4
• Moss
Lea 33
• Shepherd
Cross St 44
• Tonge
Moor Rd 29
• Tonge
Fold 32
• Haslam
Park 13
• Dealey
Rd 22
• Settle
Street 30
• Ainsdale
Rd 31
• Lever
Park (Horwich) 25
Rawlyn Road have also confirmed their membership of the Association.
Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising
• The
minutes of the meeting of 11/08/2014 having been posted on the Association’s
website at
they were passed as a true record
Arising from the last Meeting
Buddies - the Council has agreed
to have discussions with ABAS to set out some mutually agreed criteria on
buddies’ succession rights
Definition of ‘Community Plots’ –
the preferred solution would be to use ‘any plot being cultivated with the
knowledge and permission of the Council for which no individual tenancy is
issued’ and to interpret that in each particular case
Surplus Produce – the
Council support the position at Dealey Rd. and will discuss with ABAS
appropriate wording – they have concerns that too loose an arrangement could
contravene the ‘Allotments Act’
• The
Council do not feel that they can supply Tenants’
lists (with contact details) to Site Secretaries. Inability to contact
plot-holders is proving a difficulty at some sites. The Council has said that
in cases of mal-cultivation where a tenant’s address is not known to the
Society, the Council will go to Stage 2 immediately.
• The
Council is willing to discuss payments to Societies for carrying out functions
under OMAs. However they have made the point “that the budget is finite and
that OMAS allow the tenants to receive a level of service that is not provided
by the Council elsewhere, and thus tenants benefit more than the Council.”
• Locks
– the Council has reiterated its intention to continue to supply replacement
padlocks. They are however considering moving to the use of combination locks
Updates from the Blog
• The
Allotments Team has issued advice to Societies carrying out monthly inspections
under OMAs after one society was challenged over Clause 2 of the new tenancy
agreement which states that ‘The Council nor its agents will not enter onto
any plot for the purposes of inspection
without giving 24 hours notice in writing’. Malcolm Russell believes that
inspections can be done without going onto plots. Photographs etc. can be taken
from the site road or the mutual access paths (and we would argue from
adjoining plots with that plot-holder’s permission / consent)
• The
Allotments Team has said that once a Stage 1 notice has been issued by a
Society then the Society has three options after the ensuing 28 days
ü Request
the Issue of a Stage 2 notice by the Council
ü Rescind
the Stage 2 notice – if they feel that the plot is now up to standard
ü Put
the plot under ‘continuous monitoring’ under which the stage 1 notice continues
and any lapse in standards leads to the immediate issue of a stage 2.
Points for the Review Meeting
• Dave
asked societies to submit any concerns, issues etc, that they wished to see
raised at the Review Meeting with the Council on 15/09/2014.
• Smedley
Avenue had been told that in order to have an OMA they needed Public Liability
Insurance. They do not have insurance as they have voted not to join the
National. Terry explained that they did not need to join the National to get
insurance and that he would send them details and get them an application form.
The Onion and Leek Show 2015
is proposing to re-instate the Annual Onion and Leek Show for 2015.
• Terry
told the meeting that ABAS is intending to hold the show on 27th
September 2015. He would like Allotments Societies to sponsor the classes.
• The
question as to why the show had been allowed to end was raised. Terry explained
that a former secretary had tried to run the show without involving the rest of
the committee, even the Treasurer being kept in the dark. He changed the venue
without telling anyone and when people turned up on the day of the show to
stage their entries they were told that the shopw had been cancelled. The
Secretary then resigned, leaving the committee to clear up the mess. The next
year no-one would enter.
• There
was much support for restarting the event from the members present at the
meeting. A number of site societies and individuals stepped forward to sponsor
classes on the night.
Any Other Business
Issues from the Floor
Dealey Rd. had
been asked by the National for a list of its members including their contact
addresses. Terry stated that he had never been asked to submit such lists in
all his years as Treasurer. Dave undertook to contact the National to find out
if this is a change of policy or a simple error.
Date and Venue of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Monday 13th October. 8.00 p.m. Astley
Bridge CC
The meeting closed at 9.00 p.m.
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