Friday, 24 October 2014


Membership Position
There are 954 plots on 37 sites in Bolton of which 823 are on the 26 sites with a Society and / or Secretary


Site                              Plots    Paid-up Abas members

Sapling Road                61        40

Clammerclough             12        10

Harpers Lane               83        70

Florence Avenue           50        50

Smedley Avenue           28        28

Cemetery Road            26        4

Moss Lea                     44        33

Rawlyn Road                40        40

Shepherd Cross St       61        44

Tonge Moor Rd            54        29

Tonge Fold                   37        32

Haslam Park                 23        13

Dealey Rd                    25        22

Settle Street                  42        30

Ainsdale Rd                  49        31

Lever Park (Horwich) 31          25

TOTAL                       671      501

0n 16 sites


Mr Alan Hull

Given that the NSALG’s Regional Mentor, Mr Alan Hull was in attendance the Chair invited him to address the meeting.


Mr Hull stated that the National is concerned that 17 of the 37 sites in Bolton are temporary sites and that these should (as a matter of urgency) be re-designated by the Council as Statutory sites, as at present they are in danger of being re-designated as potential housing development land as the Council seeks to meet Government targets. It was pointed out that 10 of the 17 sites have only 34 plots between them and none has more than 7. Abas has informed the Council that it wishes to discuss this matter and will raise it with Malcolm Russell but would advise that individual sites should (if they so desire) pursue their case for statutory site status through their ward councillors.


Mr Hull stated that the figures for membership quoted on the Abas blog-site did not accord with the figures on the NAS database, and should thus be corrected. We would point out that the figures on the Abas database refer to Abas members, while the NAS database refers to National society members – although there is an overlap between the two groups they are not identical and there is no reason why these figures should be the same. Abas has asked for further details as to what is held on the National’s database.


Mr Hull stated that an item on the Abas blog-site referring to payments to Site Secretaries and Site Societies was also incorrect and should be corrected. Mr Hull stated that the information in the item came from a report of the North West Allotment Officers Forum. Mr Hull pointed out that our (i.e. Bolton Council’s) Allotments Officer did not attend this Forum. It was pointed out from the floor that Bolton does not have an Allotments Officer. Mr Hull stated that we used to have a very fine one in Alan Crook who had served us well for many years. Mr Hull went on to say that the figures quoted related to ‘Allotment Managers’. He then defined ‘Allotment Managers’ which in the opinion of those present was an exact description of the role of Site Secretaries in Bolton both before and after the introduction of OMAs. The actual article from which the figures were taken appeared on page 52 of Issue 3 2014 of Allotment and Leisure Gradener. The article does not use the term ‘Allotment Manager’ but uses the term Site Rep(resentative). Members may read that article for themselves to decide whether the interpretation on the Abas blog-site is incorrect.


The meeting then continued.


Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising

The Minutes of the last meeting have been posted on the Association’s blog-site


The majority of issues from the last meeting were taken to Abas’ meeting with Malcolm Russell on 15.09 and will be reported on later.


A ‘Blue Fin’ Insurance form had been obtained on behalf of Smedley Avenue site and this was passed over.


The National had been asked to clarify whether societies need to provide lists of members with names and addresses. No reply has been received to date..


Mr Hull confirmed that the National do indeed (for insurance purposes) need this information. He also asked for details as to who had been contacted at the National and the Assistant Secretary has since provided these.


Report Back on NWCAA Meeting


Committee members had intended to attend the NWCAA Meeting to be held in Morecambe on 12/10/2014. However, this meeting was cancelled by the NWCAA as insufficient Executive Officers were available


Recent High Court Judgement


There has been a recent High Court Case which may have interesting implications for sites considering self-management whether as part of a ‘federation-style’ scheme or as independent sites


Geoff Hamer (Longworth Rd., Egerton) kindly agreed to update the meeting.


Our current understanding is that the judge in the case ruled that as the agreement setting rents is between Allotment ASSOCIATIONS and the Council rather than between the Council and individual plot-holders it is NOT an ‘Allotment Agreement’ within the meaning of the acts, it is a commercial or business agreement and thus subject to normal commercial rules on setting rents rather than subject to Reigate and Banstead style rules. This is obviously a serious point that needs addressing IF sites are to approach self-management.


Meeting with Council (MR) 15.09.2014 – REPORT BACK


Matters of Information


Backlog of works on Sites

MR reported that (unlike other areas of work) the Allotments section has not maintained its central register of requests for work on allotment sites, nor is there a central record of contracts let or a system of progress checking on contractors in place. He is remedying this discrepancy as a matter of urgency.

(A number of issues relating to individual sites were discussed and the results of the discussions passed back to member sites –some actions have already been taken but others need chasing)


MR reiterated that issues affecting Health and Safety will be given priority in actioning any work


Any society carrying out work on its own behalf must have adequate insurance and (unless specific volunteer insurance is in place) get all participants to sign a disclaimer form (but please see later discussions)


It was proposed at the meeting on 15.09 that a register of self-help projects be created (to be maintained by Abas). Effectively societies would submit projects to this register which could then provide a basis by which any ‘self-help’ resources that may become available during the year may be allocated by MR.


On 13.10 - there was general support within Abas for this proposal, however, it was pointed out and reinforced by the Regional Mentor that any volunteers carrying out such projects must be covered by either ‘volunteer’ or ‘employee’ insurance taken out by the Site Society organising the project. It was advised that the normal Public Liability cover was not sufficient. It was estimated that obtaining such cover (e.g. through an addition to the standard insurance package available through ‘Shield’) would cost around £40 per annum. The funding of such extra insurance costs needs to be addressed.

It was felt by some Abas members that the former system (introduced by Alan Crook) whereby volunteers signed a disclaimer form was probably not defensible in law.

Mr Hull gave a short talk about insurance. The Treasurer later provided a spare insurance form for Moss Lea.


Clarifications on OMAs – points from the meeting on 15.09


To be eligible for an OMA a site must have:

·        A functioning society, with a secretary, a committee and a constitution

·        A majority (or at the least a significant proportion) of plot-holders who are members of that society

·        Have held a site meeting at which a majority of members have voted for an OMA

·        Have appropriate insurance (this applies only to those societies which intend to hold events to undertake maintenance work, but is advised by the National for all societies)

It was recognised that the current systems of reporting etc. are in their early stage and will require tweaking and simplification over time.


A Stage 1 ‘notice’ need not be a written document, it may be a telephone call or a face to face conversation (provided a record is kept of what was said by whom and when)


A Society Secretary should only re-let a plot IF

He / she has written evidence from the plot-holder that they are vacating the plot OR

The Council has provided evidence that a notice of re-entry has been served and that plot re-possessed

The Council’s procedure for non-payment will be tightened from this year – there will be a 40-day period for the payment of rents. Late payments will be accepted for a further 30 days after which societies will be informed and the plot re-let



It was clarified that if structures, materials etc. are left on a plot by a previous tenant and not removed within three weeks of the termination of the tenancy then they become part of the plot and as such the property and responsibility of the new tenant


The Council is to amend the letter offering a new tenant a plot so that there is a time limit on their acceptance (i.e. a date by which the signed Tenancy Agreement must be returned). If the agreement is not returned within the time period the offer lapses and the plot becomes available for re-letting.


Monthly Inspections may be suspended by Societies during periods when nothing is happening (if however there are stage 2 and 3 notices issued then these should be followed up)

The is no standard definition of ‘inadequate cultivation’ – the Council prefers the term ‘actively managed’ – which roughly means that over say a 2-year period all parts of a plot must have been used.


When a prospective tenant ‘volunteers’ to work on a “Community Plot” they are not taken off the waiting list, they retain their position and when they reach the top should be offered a plot of their own (which may involve them taking over all or part of the community plot)


Non-OMA sites


The Council’s stated position is that current resources preclude a comprehensive programme for the management of non-OMA sites. Site Visits will have to be prioritised and this means that follow-up actions such as the issue of Breach of Tenancy notices, re-letting of plots etc. may take considerable time.


At present the Council feels OMAs are the only option available to sites which want to improve / accelerate these processes


Abas feels that this is not a satisfactory position for those sites who cannot or do not wish to take on an OMA and that there is a need to address the issue of smaller sites in particular.

Matters for Consultation


The Council asked the Abas team to take back a number of proposals to the Abas meeting of 13.10 .Those proposals are listed below together with the meeting’s response.


It is proposed by the Council that the creation of new joint tenancies be limited to the addition of partners and close family members.


There was general support for this proposal. However the Council was requested to include some procedure whereby if two friends had been jointly working a plot for a prolonged period, and the Site Society could provide evidence of that joint working, the Council would allow the creation of a joint tenancy as a special case. It was agreed that the possible new rules relating to ‘buddies’ might also meet this need.

It is proposed by the Council that after two years as a registered buddy on a plot and having been on the waiting list for that period a buddy would acquire succession rights. It is further proposed by Abas that at that point the Council should consider creating a joint tenancy for the specific plot in question.


The meeting was in agreement with both aspects of this proposal


It is proposed by the Council to simplify the regulations relating to the erection of structures (sheds, greenhouses, poly-tunnels, fruit cages, cold frames and chicken houses and runs) on plots. In future so long as the 2 ft rule is maintained then up to 20% of any plot can be covered by structures (regardless of the individual size of any structure)


While many in the room would accept this change, there were significant elements of dissension, and the proposal needs further discussion.


A number wonder why the current (simple and well known) system need be changed


There was a request to include a caveat relating to the case where a Society has voted at a General Meeting to impose local conditions (e.g. a maximum size of e.g. a greenhouse) and where an application breached this agreement, would the Society be correct if it then refused that application. If so would this only apply to society members or to all plot-holders?

We were also asked what is the position where a plot-holder has ignored the current procedures and put up a structure which breaches current regulations – what action should a Society (Secretary) take? The Committee opinion was that such an action is a Breach of Tenancy and should be reported to the Council in the normal way.


It is proposed by the Council that on NON-STOCK plots, the number of hens that may be kept be set between a minimum of 3 birds and a maximum of 7 birds. As previously no cockerels may be kept. 


It was made clear (on several occasions) that this is not to be applied retrospectively and there will be no demands to cull existing flocks. This applies to new (i.e. future) poultry keepers.

The proposal gained general support but a substantial minority felt that the maximum limit was too low. The Regional Mentor commented that a figure of between 6 and 8 birds was common in the North-West. Others proposed a maximum of 12 birds to allow for ‘wastage’.

There was also a query as to whether the regulations needed to address the question of the density at which birds were kept i.e. the number of birds in relation to the size of house and size of run.

It was felt that further discussion was needed on this proposal.


Future Matters


Abas will continue to press for payments to site societies operating OMAs and performing management functions.


Abas will enter into discussions with the Council to establish the desirability / feasibility of setting up a group insurance scheme (operated by the Council) which will (appropriately) cover ALL allotments sites. It is hoped that this may considerably reduce the costs incurred by Site Societies.


At the start of this discussion Mr Hull made a short presentation about insurance requirements.


In the discussion it was argued that the Council would need to clarify exactly what the scheme would cover and that the following areas should be examined:

  • Society Public Liability – covering the society and its activities against claims by the public
  • Members’ Public Liability – covering individual society members against claims by the public
  • Events Insurance –covering any events that the Society organised
  • Volunteers / Employees Insurance – covering anyone carrying out ‘work’ for the society
  • Trusted Persons Insurance – covering the actions of committees and trustees

Some sites might also be interested in:-

  • Buildings Insurance – for communal amenity huts etc.
  • Equipment Insurance – for equipment owned by the Society
  • Product and Stock Insurance – covering those societies which operate a members’ store / shop

It was stressed that each society must have a copy of its own policy setting what is and is not covered.

On a broader level, it was felt that Societies currently operating OMAs should confine their activities to administrative tasks relating to waiting lists, re-letting of plots, site inspections, approving structures etc. and not undertake ‘maintenance’ work until they have examined their insurance position and satisfied themselves that their provision is adequate.(in particular they should examine ‘volunteer’ / employee insurance)


Programme of Talks


It was agreed to have a programme of talks in 2015 and the Treasurer requested that ideas be submitted for the topics to be covered. At present suggestions include:- Fundraising, Vegetable Growing and Showing, Dahlias (Grey Mare Society) and Beekeeping.


Allotments Competitions 2015


Abas intends to run the Borough-wide competitions (which will again be open to All plot-holders on Council sites within the Borough) in 2015. Entry Forms will be sent to all sites (with contact details) in March. Judging will take place in June and July


Leek and Onion Show


Abas will re-introduce the Leek and Onion Show on 27th September 2015 (tbc)


At present there are 10 class sponsors at £10 per class. Any sites / societies or individuals willing to sponsor the show would be most welcome.


Any Other Business?


Abas was asked to publicise the following events


19th October – Car Boot sale at Harpers Lane Allotments Site


26th October Apple Day at Ainsdale Rd. Community Allotments


The Comitttee has been asked by Clammerclough Allotments Site to contact the Council on its behalf. Plot 5 at Clammerclough is vacant and in a very bad condition. They have an applicant willing to take this plot on (but are not an OMA site).


Date and Venue of the AGM / Nominations Procedures


The AGM will be at Astley Bridge Cricket Club on 17/11/2014 (7.30 for 8.00 p.m)


Nominations for Officers and Committee should be submitted through


Issue for the agenda should also be submitted through that channel.


It is hoped to publish the developing agenda on




Close of Meeting



Thursday, 16 October 2014


The Annual General Meeting of the Association will take place on Monday 17th November at Astley Bridge Cricket Club (7.30 p.m. for 8.00 p.m.) 


Secretary's Report

Treasurer's Report

Amendments to the Association's Constitution (to be posted on this blog-site)

Election of Officers and Committee

Nominations for the following posts should be sent to

  • Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Committee Member
Any items for inclusion on the agenda should be sent to
not later than 27th October 2014.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014


Sunday October 19th - CAR BOOT SALE -
Harpers Lane Allotments Site, Church Rd., Bolton BL1 6HU
10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. ENTRY FREE
(to book sales pitches call Gill on 07906 758444)

Sunday 26th October - APPLE DAY
Ainsdale Rd. Community Allotment

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Association of Bolton Allotment Societies

Meeting 8th September 2014


Membership Position


     Site                                                Paid-up members

     Sapling Road                                 40

     Clammerclough                             10

     Harpers Lane                                 70

     Florence Avenue                           50

     Smedley Avenue                            28

     Cemetery Road                             4

     Moss Lea                                       33

     Shepherd Cross St                         44

     Tonge Moor Rd                              29

     Tonge Fold                                     32

     Haslam Park                                  13

     Dealey Rd                                      22

     Settle Street                                  30

     Ainsdale Rd                                   31

     Lever Park (Horwich)                     25

     TOTAL                                           461


Rawlyn Road have also confirmed their membership of the Association.


Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising

     The minutes of the meeting of 11/08/2014 having been posted on the Association’s website at they were passed as a true record


Matters Arising from the last Meeting

·        Buddies - the Council has agreed to have discussions with ABAS to set out some mutually agreed criteria on buddies’ succession rights

·        Definition of ‘Community Plots’ – the preferred solution would be to use ‘any plot being cultivated with the knowledge and permission of the Council for which no individual tenancy is issued’ and to interpret that in each particular case

·        Surplus Produce – the Council support the position at Dealey Rd. and will discuss with ABAS appropriate wording – they have concerns that too loose an arrangement could contravene the ‘Allotments Act’

     The Council do not feel that they can supply Tenants’ lists (with contact details) to Site Secretaries. Inability to contact plot-holders is proving a difficulty at some sites. The Council has said that in cases of mal-cultivation where a tenant’s address is not known to the Society, the Council will go to Stage 2 immediately.

     The Council is willing to discuss payments to Societies for carrying out functions under OMAs. However they have made the point “that the budget is finite and that OMAS allow the tenants to receive a level of service that is not provided by the Council elsewhere, and thus tenants benefit more than the Council.”

     Locks – the Council has reiterated its intention to continue to supply replacement padlocks. They are however considering moving to the use of combination locks


Updates from the Blog

     The Allotments Team has issued advice to Societies carrying out monthly inspections under OMAs after one society was challenged over Clause 2 of the new tenancy agreement which states that ‘The Council nor its agents will not enter onto any plot  for the purposes of inspection without giving 24 hours notice in writing’. Malcolm Russell believes that inspections can be done without going onto plots. Photographs etc. can be taken from the site road or the mutual access paths (and we would argue from adjoining plots with that plot-holder’s permission / consent)

     The Allotments Team has said that once a Stage 1 notice has been issued by a Society then the Society has three options after the ensuing 28 days inspection.

ü  Request the Issue of a Stage 2 notice by the Council

ü  Rescind the Stage 2 notice – if they feel that the plot is now up to standard

ü  Put the plot under ‘continuous monitoring’ under which the stage 1 notice continues and any lapse in standards leads to the immediate issue of a stage 2.


Points for the Review Meeting

     Dave asked societies to submit any concerns, issues etc, that they wished to see raised at the Review Meeting with the Council on 15/09/2014.

     Smedley Avenue had been told that in order to have an OMA they needed Public Liability Insurance. They do not have insurance as they have voted not to join the National. Terry explained that they did not need to join the National to get insurance and that he would send them details and get them an application form.


The Onion and Leek Show 2015

     ABAS is proposing to re-instate the Annual Onion and Leek Show for 2015.

     Terry told the meeting that ABAS is intending to hold the show on 27th September 2015. He would like Allotments Societies to sponsor the classes.

     The question as to why the show had been allowed to end was raised. Terry explained that a former secretary had tried to run the show without involving the rest of the committee, even the Treasurer being kept in the dark. He changed the venue without telling anyone and when people turned up on the day of the show to stage their entries they were told that the shopw had been cancelled. The Secretary then resigned, leaving the committee to clear up the mess. The next year no-one would enter.

     There was much support for restarting the event from the members present at the meeting. A number of site societies and individuals stepped forward to sponsor classes on the night.


Any Other Business


Issues from the Floor

Dealey Rd. had been asked by the National for a list of its members including their contact addresses. Terry stated that he had never been asked to submit such lists in all his years as Treasurer. Dave undertook to contact the National to find out if this is a change of policy or a simple error.


Date and Venue of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Monday 13th October. 8.00 p.m. Astley Bridge CC


The meeting closed at 9.00 p.m.