At the last ABAS meeting, the question was raised as to what
was the correct procedure when a plot became vacant and there was a structure
on it – e.g. a shed, a greenhouse or a chicken run.
We’ve discussed this with the Council and our current interpretation
of the situation is as follows:-
Where the outgoing tenant is available then the Site Society
should attempt to broker a settlement between the outgoing tenant and the
incoming tenant – this settlement may or may not include payment. If this can
be achieved then the incoming tenant then takes over the structure. The Site
Secretary should ensure that there is a signed document in which the outgoing
tenant gives up any title to the structure. There have been a number of cases
reported in the national journal of tenants returning to a site after having
left and trying to reclaim a structure - usually a metal framed greenhouse
which is readily transportable.
If the incoming tenant does not wish to take over the structure
then it is the outgoing tenant’s responsibility to remove it within three weeks
of terminating their tenancy. If the structure is in reasonable condition and
could be transferred from its existing position onto another plot then the site
society may acquire ownership of the structure (in agreement with the outgoing
tenant) and take responsibility for its transfer within 3 weeks (again payment
may or may not be involved). Again the outgoing tenant should relinquish any
claim to the structure in writing.
These are the two most desired outcomes – note that both
require the Site Society to contact and gain the agreement of the outgoing
The Tenancy Regulations state that if the structure is not
transferred to the incoming tenant or otherwise removed from the plot the
Council will remove it and recharge any costs incurred to the outgoing tenant.
In practice this rarely happens and the structure is simply left on the plot.
In this case:-
If there is no gap in tenancy of the plot,
the ownership of the structure, and/or the responsibility for its removal,
effectively transfers to the incoming tenant. – but note our previous comment about former tenants returning(outside a
reasonable period) to try to reclaim
structures.- here at least one society has had strong and effective support from the Council when resisting such claims on behalf of the new tenant
b) If
there is a gap in tenancy then the structure becomes the property of the
council until such time as the plot is re-let (and thus cannot be resold or
given away by the Site Society as has been the previous practice of some
Secretaries). Once a new tenant has taken on the plot a) above applies.
effect an unwanted structure / ownerless structure is a form of waste.
Council’s stance that they will not remove redundant structures extends to
waste on vacated plots in general. The only waste they will remove is hazardous
waste (the prime example of which is asbestos).
other circumstances the incoming tenant takes on the plot “as seen” – the
Council will not be clearing plots, providing top soil or any of the other
tasks which TV programmes seem to suggest get done for new allotment holders.
is always open to Societies to organise volunteer groups to clear abandoned
plots (whether by designating them as community plots or not). However you
should ensure that any society doing this either has Volunteer Insurance or
gets the members of any working party to sign a suitable disclaimer form. This option is probably most applicable to Societies with OMAs.
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