Attendance: 25
delegates from 11 sites
The Chair opened the
meeting by welcoming everyone
The Minutes of the last meeting were passed by the meeting
Matters Arising from
the last meeting
The CVS bid
has been submitted
Matters Arising in the Interim between
following matters had been raised by members and discussed with the Council.
- Inclusion of Forward plans in the OMA – see blog-site
- Jurisdiction of Societies over non-members under the OMA –
see blog-site
- Dealing with aggressive and abusive tenants
The Council have stated that abusive behaviour
towards Society officers and other tenants will be treated as a breach of tenancy
and dealt with as such. If problems arise societies should collect evidence and
submit this to Malcolm Russell.
- Permission for events under OMAs
Societies should submit a calendar of events together
with details of their insurance provision to the Council as part of the OMA
- Creating a Welcome Booklet
Some sites wish to create welcome booklet for
new tenants – ABAS has obtained copies of useful documents from the North-West
Counties Allotments Association. Societies can access these by emailing boltonallotments2014@yahoo.co.uk
Progress on OMAs
Harpers Lane have completed their OMA
Florence Avenue are currently completing their
9 other sites are at various stages of the process
One site (Lowndes Street) has decided not to
pursue an OMA
Farrell reported that eight sites have entered with a total of twenty plots for
judging overall. The first round of judging will be completed on Tuesday 10th
June. The judges were very pleased with the standard of the plots seen so far.
The final round of judging starts July 14th.
It was
suggested form the floor that the presentation of prizes should take place at
Harpers Lane Open Day (August 10th) and that the Mayor should be
approached to present the prizes.
Any Other Business
- Sapling Rd enquired as to
the position of structures left on plots when they become vacant. The
Assistant Secretary promised to follow this up with the Council and post
the results on the blog-site.
- Haslam Park and Dealey Rd.
need help in forming a constituted society. ABAS will provide assistance
as asked. (Terry Farrell has offered to visit and attend a site meeting.
- Cemetery RD Farnworth
reported that reinstatement work following repairs to the cemetery retaining
wall has not been carried out as agreed. In particular repairs have not
been made to fencing and some plots have been left unusable. Terry Farrell
and Jeff Gibson will visit and report back to ABAS.
- The meeting was informed
that CVS (The Hub) is hosting a workshop on the 9th July on ‘How
to find the right grant” – details via the CVS website
Meeting Closed
Date and Venue of
next meeting: 8.00 p.m. 14th July at Astley Bridge CC