Monday, 2 November 2015

AGM 2015


Item 1: Minutes of Previous Meeting and Matters arising

Item 2: Overview of Abas  its Membership and what Abas intends to do regarding Non OMA and smaller Allotment Sites and Meetings with Council the NAS and NWCAA

Item 3: Treasurers Report/Accounts of the association including the accounts of the Onion and Leek show

Item 4: Election of Officers and Committee

The current Officers and Committee are:_

            Hon President Richard Hayes [Tonge Moor]

            Hon Vice President George Wild [Tonge Moor]

            Chair Jeff Gibson [Tonge Fold]

            Secretary David Jackson [Harpers Lane]

            Treasurer Terry Farrell [Tonge Fold]

            Management Committee

            Ann Craven [Settle Street], Teresa Morris [Tonge Fold]

            All have indicated their willingness to stand again


Other Nominations may be made via

Item 5: Review of Abas Membership

Item 6: Setting of Subscriptions for 2017

The Committee has proposed a fee of £1:00 per Member to be payable June/July 2016

Item 6: Competitons for 2016

     It is proposed that Abas will again organise the Annual Allotments Competition in 2016

     The return of the Onion and Leek Show,following an absence of 24 years, was a great success with over 80 entries. It is proposed that Abas brings the show forward in 2016 and introduces a wider range of classes.

Item 7: Talks and Lectures for 2016

Are members interested in more talks in 2016 if so “on what topics”

Item 8: Future “Progress” Meetings  with the Council to review the Site Refresher Matrix and any outstanding site Issues

Item 9: A.O.B.


Minutes of the meeting of Abas on 12.10.2015 at Astley Bridge Cricket Club

Minutes and Matters Arising

The minutes of the previous meeting having been posted on the abas blog-site they were accepted by the meeting.

Matters from 14.09.2015

 The promised discussions on “the sustainable management of sites and the potential role that sites / societies could play in the local community around food growing, health and wider social benefits”.

These discussions began in late October.

The Onion and Leek Show

The Onion and Leek Show took place on Sunday 27/09/2015

There were over 80 entries in 14 classes

Exhibits were judged by John Woods National Vegetable Society (NVS) who was impressed by the quality of entries

The Prizes were presented by George Holmes – Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bolton, and Deputy Lord Lieutenant of the Duchy of Lancaster

 The Prize-winners were:

BAC Challenge Trophy (most points gained by a site) – Tonge Fold Allotments Society

Collection of 4 Vegetables – Les Butterworth

Secretaries’ Shield (most points by an individual) – Les Butterworth

Stan Pickles Trophy / NVS Silver Medal – most meritorious vegetable – Jeff Gibson

Acknowledgements and Thanks

Terry Farrell (Show Manager) and Margaret Farrell (Show Secretary) and the Show Committee (Les Butterworth, Teresa Morris and Jeff Gibson) for organising and managing the show

All those who sponsored individual classes and to the Duchy of Lancaster for their grant

Astley Bridge Cricket Club – for providing the venue and refreshments on the day

 Status of OMAs

Latest Council Figures show the following sites with OMAs

Deeley Rd., Florence Avenue, Harpers Lane, Lever Park Avenue, Haslam Park, Moss Lea, Rawlyn Rd., Sapling Rd., Settle Street, Shepherds Cross St., Tonge Fold, Tonge Moor Rd.

Ainsdale Rd. and Longworth Rd., Horwich are in the process of discussing OMAs with the Council.

 Outstanding Issues

Essentially we see this item as relating to response (or lack of it!) to issues raised by Site Secretaries in their Monthly Reports to the Allotments Section. Non-OMA sites should however use it to report any outstanding problems which require Council action.

 Issues from Rawlyn Rd., Moss Lea, Smedley Avenue and Harpers Lane were tabled for the meeting with Malcolm Russell. The results of that meeting have now been communicated to the sites with outstanding issues. A further report on this “Progress Meeting” will be given at the AGM on Monday 9th November.

 Abas membership update

 The following sites have paid their subscriptions for 2016:-Tonge Fold, Deeley Rd., Lever Park (H), Sapling Rd., Florence Avenue, Rawlyn Rd., Tonge Moor Rd., Smedley Avenue, Moss Lea, Harpers Lane

 The following member sites have not yet paid:- Clammerclough, Cemetery Rd., Shepherds Cross St., Haslam Park, Settle St., Ainsdale Rd.

 Some individual members have paid / we await others



The Annual General Meeting of the Association of Bolton Allotment Societies (abas) will take place on Monday NOVEMBER 9TH. The meeting will commence at 8.00 p.m.

 Nominations are needed for those wishing to stand as Officers (Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) and for the Committee. Nominations will be accepted at the meeting.

An agenda will be published in the normal way.