The first item was a talk by DAVE METCALFE on GROWING
This talk was very informative and excellent
preparation for those intending to enter the Leek and Onion Show in September.
The talk lasted until approximately 9.00 p.m. and was followed by a short
presentation on behalf of the National Vegetable Society.
After a short break, and the drawing of the
raffle there followed a shortened version of the usual monthly meeting.
of the Meeting on 09/03/2015
The minutes of 09/03/15 having been posted on
the blog-site for members, the Committee moved that the minutes be accepted as
a true record.
Issues Register
There had been a request that Societies supply ABAS with lists of issues
raised with the Council either in Monthly Reports or otherwise on a regular
basis and that ABAS will use this to create a register for use at
Partnership Meetings with MR
Future Talks
The Secretary is hoping to arrange a talk by GMP on Allotment Security
(ideally for the July meeting)
Works at Cemetery Rd. –
The works at Cemetery Rd were initially commissioned through the
Cemeteries section at Bolton MBC. Neighbourhood Services have been unable to
get a response about this matter to date.
and Competitions
The Onion and Leek Show
Handouts showing the Schedules of Classes are available together with
the criteria for judging class 1 were distributed.
ABAS are still seeking sponsorship for some classes and for the show in
The Show Committee are seeking funding through a grant from the Lord
Lieutenant’s Fund
The Borough Allotment Competition
Entry forms are available and Society Secretaries should have received entry
packs through the Post. If you haven’t please email the Secretary –
We are seeking sponsorship for the competition
It is hoped that the presentations can take place at ABAS’ August Meeting
on Council Matters
There have been no Partnership Meetings with the Council since the
meeting of 09/03/2015
There has been one informal meeting between the Secretary and the Head
of Neighbourhood Services – it is likely that the experiment with
combination locks will not proceed
A contact with an Allotment Society in the Wigan area has lead to the
Committee trying to find out more about the implications for plot-holders of
the proposed joint working between Bolton and Wigan’s Environmental Services
Departments .
Raised by Societies
A number of societies have expressed
disappointment with the performance of the Allotments Section.
These centre around mistakes in billing, lack
of response to monthly reports, repeated requests for the same information,
loss of information sent to the Council etc.
The Committee has discussed these with the
Section. The key problem (as we are all aware) is the lack of resources in the
section certainly in terms of staffing and in some people’s opinions in
systems. Given the Council’s views on a ‘balanced budget’ this is unlikely to
change in the near future.
We hope the idea of compiling a register of
key issues / problems and taking it to the Partnership Meetings will help.
Issues from the
External Matters
The NWCAA is the ‘Regional’ layer of the
National Allotment Society of which many local societies an individuals are
NWCAA Annual General Meeting – Southport
Committee Members attended the Annual General Meeting of the North West
Counties Allotments Association
NWCAA Arts Exhibit at Southport Flower Show 2015
Margaret Jackson (Harpers Lane) is organising an Arts Exhibit to be
part of the NWCAA display at this year’s Southport Show. Society Secretaries
are co-operating by allowing artists to visit sites.
NWCAA – The Best North-West Allotment Site 2015
The NWCAA is organising a competition to find the best allotment SITE
in the North-West. The competition is being sponsored by Mahers. Details from
and entries to
speakers’ programme –
The next talk is on 11th May and will be delivered by a
representative of the National Vegetable Society
(who are also providing the judge for the Leek and Onion Show) – it will be at
8.00 p.m. at Astley Bridge Cricket Club.
Future events are being arranged
other business
A query was raised as too whether it is still
possible for a plot-holder on one site to apply for a transfer to a plot on
another site without having to go onto the waiting list for the new site. It
was stated that in Alan Crook’s day such transfers were possible. General
opinion was that such transfers are not generally available these days, and
that someone wishing to make such a move would almost certainly have to
relinquish their existing plot and take their place at the bottom of the
waiting list for their chosen destination site. However the Secretary will
contact the Allotments section to determine whether this is true.
of next meeting
11th May – Astley Bridge Cricket
Harpers Lane Allotments Site is holding a
Spring Event on the 9th and 10th of May.
The 9th of May is an Open Site
Event featuring a Local Produce Market with plant sales etc. There will also be
(subject to demand) a Car Boot Sale on the top field. Stalls in the Produce
Market or on the top field are available at £10.00. The site will be open from
10.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.
The 10th of May features a visit by
the Mikron Theatre Company who are presenting ‘One of Each’ in the Society
Marquee. This company has been here several times and is very popular and very
entertaining, with a show suitable for all the family. Admission is free, but a
collection will be taken at the end of the performance. Refreshments will be