Monday, 30 March 2015

ABAS MINUTES OF 09/03/2015


Open Meeting at Astley Bridge Cricket Club



ABAS exists to achieve fair treatment for all plot-holders on allotment sites within the Borough boundaries. It seeks to achieve this through the effective representation of plot-holders and societies to the Council and the provision of support to individual societies.



The Minutes of the AGM having been posted on the Association’s Blog-site at the Committee moved to accept those minutes as a true and accurate record

There were no outstanding matters arising from the minutes of the AGM



ABAS membership currently covers some 502 plot-holders (either through their society or individually)

ABAS’ target is to increase that membership to cover all 950+ plot-holders on Council plots

Membership renewals (for 2016) will be due in June / July -



Borough Allotments Competition

Judging will take place in June / July 2015

Entry forms were made available from the Treasurer at the end of the meeting. Other forms will be mailed out to Site / Society Secretaries during March.


Onion and Leek Show

Will take place on the 27th September 2015 at Astley Bridge Cricket Club

A provisional schedule of classes has been prepared by the Show Committee and will be published on the blog-site, together with the scoring system for class 1. The show will be judged by a National Vegetable Society Judge.



Two speakers have been arranged

13th April – Dave Metcalfe – ‘Exhibition Onions’

11th May – J Woods ‘ ‘Growing and Showing’

These meetings will start at 7.30 p.m.


Other speakers will be arranged on topics agreed with the members

There will be raffles at these events to raise funds to support our costs in arranging the speakers, the Allotment Competitions and the Onion and Leek Show



The Council has launched an initiative called the Community Empowerment Programme

There are two elements – small projects for which one-off grants are available and larger projects which can be funded for up to 2 years.

Any project must demonstrate that it

  • Saves the Council expenditure AND / OR
  • Enables the continued provision of a service which would otherwise be cut AND / OR
  • Enables a service which has been discontinued to be reintroduced

Details are available on the Council web-site





There are no foreseen changes to existing communications between the Council and ABAS and/or Society Secretaries

The annual OMA reviews will continue with existing OMA sites, there may be some simplification of the earlier agreements

The Council wishes to consider whether on sites where there is no society it could appoint a single person (who would have to be an individual member of ABAS) to act as Site Representative

The Council has now completed its billing exercise (begun October 2014) and in its view resolved all issues

As part of its review, in future ‘Eviction Notices’ will be served by Registered Post (i.e. not placed on plots)

As part of its review the Council will be issuing new guidance to Site Secretaries about plots which are re-let during the period July – Sept (inclusive)

There are currently some 50 vacant plots (borough-wide) available for re-letting


From discussions we think the Council currently feel under pressure on two fronts.

  • The numbers on the Council waiting list - hence the notion of splitting plots to get more people off it and more quickly.
  • Income - the allotments budget is balanced and there is no leeway, there is a need to keep rents coming in - hence the need to get plots re-let quickly

This has led to more suggestions from them to split plots as they become vacant and demands that site secretaries on OMA sites re-let vacated plots promptly. Abas has posted a procedure on the blog-site which Site Secretaries might wish to adopt if under pressure to split plots 



Society Secretaries report increasing frustration with communications with the Allotments Section. We appreciate that the section is understaffed (essentially just one part-time clerical worker who has many other duties as well) but there is a strong feeling that some matters e.g. responses to the Monthly Reports are not adequately dealt with.

v  It was suggested that societies should keep a record of all issues raised with the Council. They should inform ABAS of these issues on a monthly basis so that ABAS can present a Borough-wide picture to the Allotments section in future meetings.

There are issues relating to Break-ins and Vandalism on Allotments Sites.

v  It was suggested that secretaries should a) ensure that any member affected by a break-in or vandalism reports this individually to the police b) that the secretary also informs ABAS and c) that ABAS keeps a central log of all allotment=based incidents. ABAS could then seek a meeting with representatives of GMP about the problems.

v  It was further suggested that a representative of GMP be invited to speak at the June meeting about schemes such as Allotment Watch and about security in general.



Having held a site meeting Clammerclough have decided not to proceed with plans for an OMA

No information has been received from Cemetery Rd. We understand that Malcolm Russell is pursuing the matter with the Cemeteries section whose contractor caused the problems



Links to the National Vegetable Society – ABAS has now collectively joined the National Vegetable Society and members will be eligible to access its website and services. The Secretary is exploring how this may be done and will post updates on the blogsite.

Links to the North-West Counties Allotment Association – The Chair and Treasurer have volunteered to act as liaison with the NWCAA and will be attending its AGM on the 29th March,

Links to the National – The Regional Mentor is currently on sick leave and we have also had no communication with the Regional Representative – it is hoped to reopen contacts via the NWCAA AGM.




Monday 13th April – 7.30 start as we have a guest speaker at Astley Bridge Cricket Club



Friday, 13 March 2015


Schedule of Onion and Leek Show

Association of Bolton Allotment Societies [ABAS]

                          Onion and Leek Show 2015

To be held at the Astley Bridge Cricket Club Sunday 27th Sept

Provisional list of Vegetables to be Tabled on the Day of the Show.

1.      Best Display of 4 Vegetables, One of each kind from a list provided, space allowed is 60cmx 45cm. Nb only one entry per exhibitor.

2.     Three Stump Carrots [ with 5-8cm of tops]

3.     Three Parsnips [with 5-8cm of tops]

4.     Three Onions dressed from sets under 250g

5.     Three Onions dressed from seed under 250g

6.     Three Onions dressed from seed 250g and over

7.     Three Onions dressed one under 250g one 250g to 450g and one over 450g

8.     Two Blanched Leeks with foliage and roots

9.     Two Pot Leeks with foliage and roots, not to exceed 6” [15cm] to tight button

10.                        10 Shallots dressed under 38mm

11.                        10 Shallots dressed 38mm and over

12.                        Three Red Onions dressed

13.                        Heaviest Onion as grown complete with foliage and roots

14.                        Four Tomatoes complete with calyces attached

Nb. Class 1 is one entry per exhibitor all other classes max of two entries per exhibitor.

Above list is provided to enable those interested in the show to plan and grow their exhibits.

Monthly updates regarding the Show will be provided at our Monthly Meetings

Official Show Schedule to follow 

ABAS March 2015.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015


The first meeting of the Association of Bolton Allotment Societies for 2015 will take place at Astley Bridge Cricket Club on Monday 9th March. The meeting will commence at 8.00 p.m.

The agenda is

  • ABAS membership
  • Issues outstanding from 2014 meetings
  • Shows and Competitions
  •     Borough Allotments Competition
  •     Leek and Onion Show
  • Speakers' Programme 2015
  • The Council's Community Empowerment Programme
  • Report Back on the Abas Committee's meeting with the Council on 24.02.2015
  • Reports Back from Societies and Issues arising
  • NVS Membership
  • Links with the NWCAA and the NAS
  • Any other Business
  • Date and Time of the next Meeting
We hope to see you there and look forward to your support in 2015

Dave Jackson - Secretary ABAS



From discussions we think the Council currently feel under pressure on two fronts.

  1. The numbers on the Council waiting list - hence the notion of splitting plots to get more people off it and more quickly.

  1. Income - the allotments budget is balanced and there is no leeway, there is a need to keep rents coming in - hence the need to get plots re-let quickly

This has led to more suggestions from them to split plots as they become vacant and demands that site secretaries on OMA sites re-let vacated plots promptly.

If under pressure to split plots, Site Secretaries might wish to adopt the following procedure.
  1. Check how many 1/2 plots you already have on your site - if it's 25% or more you have achieved your council quota and you can rightly decline to have any more
  2. Check each plot in question – is the plot less than 250 square metres – if so it is NOT suitable for splitting since to do so would result in at least one plot of less than the recommended minimum of 125sq metres.
  3. Check whether the plot can be split in such a way that BOTH 1/2 plots are directly accessed from the site path - if not then this plot is NOT suitable for splitting
  4. Look at the Greenhouses / Sheds etc. on the plot - if splitting into two halves would leave one 1/2 plot virtually covered (or seriously unbalanced) then this plot is NOT suitable for splitting. If none of the above apply and the Council has notified you of demand for plots on your site, then the Council's request for you to use 1/2 plots to get your waiting list down does not seem unreasonable.
  5. If splitting the currently available vacant plots presents a real problem for you then you could consider designating a block of plots on your site (in advance) which you agree that you'll spilt as and when they become vacant and see if the Council might accept this as an alternative.
  6. If there are going to be delays in re-letting a plot, please make sure that you inform the Allotments section (preferably by email) as to which plots and the reasons why (transfers within the site and the need to do remedial work on the plot are both possible reasons)
  7. When seeking to re-let a split plot, we suggest that you do not use the term 1/2 plot - simply tell the applicant that you have a plot for them. After all on some sites ALL plots are under 250 sq metres anyway - so size doesn't determine whether this is or is not a “plot”.
  8. Finally, make sure that people get offers in strict order i.e. the person at the head of the waiting list gets first choice on what's available. If they refuse they go to the back of the queue and you move to the next person. Try to avoid situations with two prospective tenants on-site arguing over who gets a particular plot.

Hope this isn’t seen as ‘teaching Granny to suck eggs’ but we’re trying to make the system as simple as possible.